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What is BWIE?

Welcome to the Canadian Blk Women in Excellence Society NS & BC, where empowerment knows no bounds. Our mission is to empower and support both Black women and Black Female Youth through a dynamic, multifaceted approach. By fostering economic growth, creating equitable opportunities, and amplifying voices, we've built a comprehensive ecosystem of resources, mentorship, and community engagement to bridge gaps, drive positive change, and construct a more inclusive entrepreneurial landscape.


At the heart of our vision is the aspiration to unleash the potential of Black women and Black Female Youth, inspiring excellence and breaking barriers for a lasting impact on society. Through tailored empowerment programs, interconnected mentorship initiatives, and collaborative educational and skill advancement opportunities, we cultivate a culture of shared experiences, guidance, and mutual support across generations.


Our commitment extends to community engagement, unity promotion, and advocacy for equitable representation across generations. By organizing inclusive events and workshops, encouraging active participation in community service projects, and advocating for systemic change, we aim to create a supportive and inclusive environment that uplifts communities and catalyzes positive change.


In our pursuit of holistic entrepreneurial development, we introduce comprehensive programs and workshops, forging partnerships with businesses and organizations to provide internship opportunities and resources. By nurturing the aspirations of aspiring entrepreneurs of all ages, we envision a future where Black women and Black Female Youth excel, thrive, and make meaningful contributions in their respective fields.


Join us at the forefront of empowerment, where Canadian Blk Women in Excellence Society NS & BC is not just an organization but a catalyst for positive change, breaking down barriers, and fostering an environment where all individuals can achieve their fullest potential.


Blk Women in Excellence (BWIE) has been compiling data on the status of businesses that have been supported through their work. The following indicators show that the participating business owners have made progress toward establishing sustainable businesses.


  • 137 Black women, 100% who participated in the program have registered their businesses with Joint Stocks 

  • 137 Black women, 100% who participated in the program have completed business plans and three year financial projections 

  • 52 Black women, 37% who participated in the program are operating their businesses 20 - 40 hours a week 

  • 42 Black women, 30.66% who participated in the program have reached out to gain assistance with  preparing to do their taxes as a business owner for the 2022 fiscal year. 


In addition to these figures, there has been considerable feedback from Black women about the impact the program has made on their personal and professional lives. 


It is clear that the BlK Women in Excellence  (BWIE) has built a foundation and platform for the engagement and support of Black women in Canada toward reaching their goal of self-employment in sustainable businesses since 2020.











" I really appreciate it and it's been such a pleasure getting to know you these past few months. I did an interview for a Dalhousie study about barriers racialized business owners face yesterday and realized and talked about how if it wasn't for meeting you I don't think I would have finished my business plan, even going through the ANSEP with a different mentor. Working with you, who actually listens and gets what it is like emotionally to be a Black business owner and woman also navigating this world has been life-changing for me and helped me step up to the plate. I know I been putting in work, and it is largely due to having the support I've been searching for for YEARS finally this year from your mentorship and network.


Your leadership is so valuable and is making huge waves. Never let the people talkin' grind you down because we need you in this province and beyond. You are doing nothing but good. "


                                                                                                      Bria Miller Owner of BriaMakesThings



Its a beautiful day to be a Black woman 

                                    -Tia Upshaw

Our Mission

 Canadian Blk Women in Excellence Society NS & BC is committed to empowering and supporting both Black women and Black Female Youth through a multifaceted approach. Our mission is to foster economic growth, create equitable opportunities, and amplify the voices of Black women & Black Female Youth in business within Canada. We provide a comprehensive ecosystem of resources, mentorship,empowerment and community engagement to bridge gaps, drive positive change, and build a more inclusive entrepreneurial landscape.

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Our Mission
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Our Vision

 Canadian Blk Women in Excellence Society NS & BC envisions a future where Black women and Black Female Youth are empowered to achieve their fullest potential, breaking barriers and leaving a lasting impact on society. Through our efforts, we strive to create a supportive and inclusive environment that catalyzes positive change, fosters entrepreneurship, and uplifts communities.

We Need Your Support Today!

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